MacOS – Run TeamViewer on demand, instead of at startup


I installed TeamViewer Host (v. 10.0) for making remote connections back to my Mac. It loads on start up automatically, and there doesn’t seem to be a preference to disable that behavior*. TeamViewer also does not appear in the “Login Items” system preference pane. I only need TeamViewer periodically, so for performance and security, I’d rather run it manually.

I see three related processes in Activity Monitor: TeamViewer Host, TeamViewer_Desktop, and TeamViewer_Service. I don’t just want to stop the UI / menu item from showing on startup, I want to stop all of these from loading.

How can I disable them from running at login, and then how should I run them when I want them?

* The “Show Computers & Contacts on startup” preference under Advanced isn’t it.

Best Answer

It is in Preferences in V 10.0.43320 which I downloaded and installed yesterday.

Go to Preferences > General and there untick 'Start TeamViewer with System'.