MacOS – Reset All Mojave App Permissions

macbook promacosmojavepermission

So I upgraded to Mojave recently and I got some app permission popups requesting access to system events, etc.

I didn't recognise some of these the apps and didn't allow access.

Now it turns out that this is being used by xcodebuild and it is failing.

How can I reset all these app permissions. So that I get the popup again and I can allow this time.

PS: I'm not asking about file permissions.

Best Answer

Some categories, like the one you mention, aren't listed in System Preferences.

You can reset that one in particular with this command:

tccutil reset AppleEvents

Or, you can reset all app permissions like this:

 tccutil reset All

You can also add an app's bundle identifier (e.g. tccutil reset All to reset only that app's permissions.