macOS High Sierra – Remove Startup Arduino CreateAgent


Recently this application was installed on my Mac.
Now it runs every startup. How can I stop it ?

Tries to solve:

1) search in Login Item of current user – Not found.

2) Not found in /Library/StartUpItems, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/LaunchAgents

Best Answer

There are instructions on the GitHub page for both completely uninstalling the Arduino Create Multi Platform Agent and for disabling its automatic startup.

You have asked how to do the latter. In brief, from the Finder:

  • Click on the Go menu, and select 'Go to the Folder'
  • Type ~/Library/LaunchAgents and press Enter
  • Select the ArduinoCreateAgent.plist file
  • Right click on the file name and select 'Move to Trash'

Alternatively, using, issue the command

  • launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ArduinoCreateAgent.plist

Using the second method of disabling automatic startup has two benefits: it retains the ability to easily re-enable it should you wish, while also allowing you the ability to start the process manually. To restore automatic startup, issue this command in Terminal:

  • launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ArduinoCreateAgent.plist

To launch the process on a manual "at-will" basis:

  • launchctl start ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ArduinoCreateAgent

    [note that the .plist extension is omitted when using launchctl start]