MacOS – Remotely disable Macbook Air through network access


My Macbook Air was stolen. The stolen Mac is showing up in Baku, Azerbajan.
I don't have the skill to do it myself, but I could imagine that there would be a way to do something nasty. Perhaps a script or some exploit. Something that would give some sort of notice or a flash dialog.

I know the computer still logs into gmail and dropbox by looking at the logs, so I've decided to not change those passwords as I have nothing worth protecting on those accounts as much as I'd want to get the Mac back or erased.

In case anyone has a solution I would appreciate any advice except "forget it!".

Best Answer

If you had logged in iCloud in your computer you can trace it with that by logging on and then in the find my iPhone tab there you can Do any of the three options,

  1. Show a message on the screen,
  2. Remotely lock the computer
  3. Clear the data from the computer.

P.S. In any case there is rare chance you may get it back so at the end you have to "forget it"