MacOS – Recurring ‘Broadcast Message’ in terminal


Yesterday I updated my Macbook Air (early 2015) to macOS Mojave.

Since then when I open a terminal window I am getting recurring messages. I can't run any terminal command at the moment.

What can cause this message?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your system is running something called the Malloc Debugging and reporting a problem in your memory ? It is a program to detect memory bugs. Since it is stuck in a endless loop, the reported memory bug might not even exist.

It reports the same bug in your memory, over and over as seen here.

enter image description here

More info about Debugging memory-related bugs

To stop the program in Terminal try Use key combination in Terminal Ctrl + C. or, Ctrl + Z , or CTRL+ \

You can also try...

Simple test is to start in Safe mode, or even more simple is to create new user account and try it.

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