MacOS – Recompiling bash to avoid shellshock seems to have messed up bash


I probably shouldn't have even messed with it, but I followed the instructions to recompile bash here:
How do I recompile Bash to avoid Shellshock (the remote exploit CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169)?

Following that recompile, if I run something like wget from terminal, I get the following:
-bash: wget: command not found

And that's not the only one. A lot of the usual bash commands seems to have disappeared for me. How do I do a complete revert of bash back to normal but with the current apple supported bash patch(es)? Is there a better way to fix my problem?

Best Answer

Well, wget isn't installed by default on Mavericks. You could install it through homebrew though.

If you installed wget yourself at one time then you may just need to adjust your $PATH to find it again.


Take a look in /bin and /usr/bin to see what tools are installed and try one of them to see if Bash is working correctly.