MacOS – Recommendation for genealogy software for OS X


I primarily work with gedcom files for my genealogy. What software is available for the mac which allows me to view and edit gedcom genealogy files?

If there are several options, I'd like one that interfaces with and/or other similar sites so I don't have to quite as much work managing searches and downloads of gedcom files.

Icing on the cake would include apps that have ipad counterparts so I can take it on the go for at least viewing, and hopefully editing.

I'm fine with apps that have their own database or file format as long as they import and export gedcom as well.

Best Answer

I haven’t found one that interfaces with the website you mentioned, but here’s a good overview of genealogy software for OS X:

MacFamilyTree 6 is actively developed (it was just updated a few days ago), is fully GEDCOM-compatible, and it has an iOS version too!


It doesn’t export to but it can interface with a custom-built website called