MacOS MacBook-Pro – Re-mounting Ejected SD Card without Reinserting

macbook promacos

I use a microSD card in my macbook air for additional storage, using a flush adapter (homemade, similar to the nifty minidrive).

To save battery when I'm not using it, I disabled auto-mount using /etc/fstab.
But sometimes, I accidentally eject it instead of unmounting (because that's what the finder gui does).

After it's ejected, the only way I know to remount is to take the card adapter out and put it back in. Since it's flush, I need a paperclip to take it out.

So I need a way to re-enable the card reader without having to re-insert.

In Windows, this is possible using the devcon command-line tool from microsoft, or going to device manager, disabling and enabling the card reader.

There has to be a way to do this, so please don't answer just saying it's not possible.


Best Answer

Mountain provides a feature called "Remount USB Storages" to do what you want.

This blog article tells you how to use Mountain to solve common issues with the Nifty MiniDrive like battery drain in sleep mode or how to reattach the SD card after it has been ejected.

Best thing is Mountain installs a privileged helper tool, so you don't have to enter your administrator password every time you want to remount the drive. Also, you can configure Mountain to do its job automatically in the background.