MacOS – Quicksilver will not open on the Mac (OS 10.6). Can you help

errormacmacosquicksilversnow leopard

I installed Quicksilver and due to some problems I have with the "shelf" feature I decided to uninstall it (using appCleaner).

When I tried to install it again the application wouldn't install the second time and it gave me this option

"The previous version of Quicksilver was located in "Quicksilver 3".
Would you like to move this new version to that location?"

I clicked "OK" and the QS logo came up but disappeared within seconds.

There is no file on my computer with the word "quicksilver"

Is there anything you can recommend I do?

I am new to the Mac (got it only 2 day ago).

Best Answer

Here is the excerpt from Quicksilver's User Manual that should deal with your problem (note the "~" denotes your user account home directory):

The is usually in /Applications/ or ~/Applications/. When first used, the following per user files and folders are created:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/

  • Actions.plist - list of installed actions

  • Catalog.plist - the configured catalog sources
  • Mnemonics.plist - learned inputs, defaults and abbreviations
  • PlugIns.plist - the list of available plug-ins and how they are configured
  • Triggers.plist - the configured triggers
  • Caches/ - another cache folder
  • Indexes/ - folder of indexed items
  • PlugIns/ - installed plug-ins
  • Shelves/ - where items on the Shelf and clipboards are stored
  • Actions/ - not installed but create this folder to add scripts that implement actions
  • Templates/ - not installed but create this folder to use with the Make New... action
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.blacktree.Quicksilver.plist - stores various preferences and internal state
  • ~/Library/Caches/Quicksilver/ - stores various state in binary files

To do a complete uninstall use the Uninstall Quicksilver button in the Application preferences, or remove the above files and folders.

It can also be useful to move or rename these while trouble-shooting a problem. If you are having trouble installing plug-ins check that the owner of ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/ is the current user and not System. If it’s not, change it and restart Quicksilver.