MacOS – quick search using quick silver

macbook promacosquicksilver

just got my first mac os computer.

installed quick silver. (I rely heavily on launchy in windows)

so, the cool feature i was able to achieve on windows using launchy, is that after saving "quick search" i can search any site before even opening the browser.


alt+space "g (tab) mac forum"

this will open my browser with search results for "mac forum"

this is because i saved google quick search under "g" but it will also work with any other search i.e. "a" for amazon "wp" for wikipedia etc..

how can i recreate this in mac os?

Best Answer

This is easy and commonly done in Quicksilver.

Make sure you have the newest Web Search plug-in from

There are some predefined searches you can use, or you can add your own. Look around page 90 of the manual. You might also want to see this post.