MacOS – Question Marks in iTerm (Font Issue?)

fontitermmacbook promacosterminal

I recently set up my iTerm and have been really enjoying how smooth and functional it is out of the box. I installed the Prezto zsh pre-config and set up Powerlevel10k as my Prezto theme. I also use solarized dark with Inconsolata for Powerline and Menlo for Powerline as my font, both of which have this issue.

When I cd to my root director (cd /), I see an odd question mark box on my powerline. I also see the same box when I activate my virtualenv in a python code directory.

Below is a picture of this happening with the root directory. When I activate the virtualenv, the same thing happens but ON THE RIGHT SIDE beside an indicator with my project name that comes up when virtualenv is activated. What do the question marks mean? What is failing to display? I have no idea what is going on and would appreciate help in troubleshooting.

enter image description here

Best Answer

What your screenshot shows is Zsh prompt defined by Powerlevel10k. Powerlevel10k is flexible w.r.t. what symbols it uses to communicate information. As long as it knows the capabilities of your terminal and font, it'll stick to symbols that can be rendered correctly. On the screenshot Powerlevel10k displays a question mark because it thinks your terminal can display it. This usually happens when you configure Powerlevel10k in one terminal with one font, and then use the same config either in a different terminal or with a different font.

Whenever you change your terminal or terminal font, you need to run p10k configure. If you aren't yet using the recommended font, the configuration wizard will ask whether you want to install it. For best experience, say "Yes", restart iTerm2 when prompted and then run p10k configure again. You may, however, refuse to install the font and proceed with prompt configuration. Powerlevel10k will still work but the choice of prompt styles will be limited if your current font isn't very capable.