MacOS – Producing/archiving an overview of a directory structure


I try to find a way to make an archive of my ~/ directory so that I can go back in case I've lost something. I've found several recommendations for this. The first being OS X Hints saying a simple ls -aR or re-writing a tree.
The problem these two solutions have is that the output doesn't help very much in terms of getting an overview where something was.

Is there anything that is able to produce a visual representation of a directory structure that allows to see what contents were in which directory? A Terminal command? A SVG generator?

EDIT: No GUI tools for the generation of the file please. Viewing the large outputs of find ~/ and ls ~/ is cumbersome. Or is it possible to make it easier to view a 70MB text file?

EDIT2: I should probably clarify what I'm trying to do. I recently had my hard disk crash. Fortunately I had an off-site and on-site backup. In the restore however I chose to set the machine up from scratch, which means I had to very specifically pick what to restore from where.
Now that I'm done with that, I'm investigating whether it's possible to save the directory structure in certain periods of time in my backup, so that restoring becomes a bit easier. (In case I ever lose a couple days of work, with two different backups at two different stages.)

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

  1. Get TextWrangler. It’s free and awesome.
  2. Drag (e.g. your home) folder into Text window: How to drag
  3. Profit!