MacOS – Process Named After Website Executing?


While looking at Activity Monitor processes, I noticed a process whose name started with "http://".

Shortly after observing and screenshoting the process disappeared. This morning, it briefly re-appeared and then died.

lsof and dtracte indicate the process is looking at standard system libraries, one of which is /private/var/db/mds/messages/se_SecurityMessages.

Any ideas on:

  1. Whether this is a normal process?
  2. How to find where and how it's launched? (Mac doesnt have /proc…?)
  3. How to investigate what its doing?

Best Answer

This is Normal in the way Safari now operates.

Each process is part of Safari sandboxing.

If you go to the View menu in Activity Monitor and down to the 'All Processes Hierarchically'

enter image description here

You will see that they all gathered and are owned by Safari.

enter image description here

Also this is a known feature:

Sandboxing for websites.

Sandboxing provides built-in protection against malicious code and malware by restricting what websites can do. And because Safari runs web pages in separate processes, any harmful code you come across in one page is confined to a single browser tab, so it can’t crash the whole browser or access your data.