MacOS – Problem with creating hotspot on macOS


I have a question regarding the setup of a hotspot on my Mac. I have a wired ethernet connection, which I connect to the computer. I would then like to be able to connect to that same connection (and the LAN) on my iPhone over wifi. I followed the steps here ( which worked, however, there is a problem. Whenever I do this, the Macbook acts as a router, not allowing me to access any devices on the original LAN the Mac is connected to. I would instead prefer if it acted more like an AP, allowing communication to flow between my iPhone and everything on the LAN.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: To clarify, the important thing here is that I can't access any devices that are already present on my LAN. I have an IKEA Tradfri hub connected via ethernet to my router. Also connected to my router is a powerline adapter. The second powerline adapter is connected to the Macbook I was talking about. So now, when I connect to the Macbook's wifi, I can't access the hub. (This is, however, possible from the Macbook – I checked via a ping request, there is no app available for mac as far as I know.) My Macbook is therefore acting as a router, where the ethernet cable is plugged in to the port which says Internet. I need it to act like an AP or a router where the ethernet cable is plugged in to a normal LAN port. I hope this clarifies the difference. Thanks again!

Best Answer

Go to system preferences then click on internet sharing and select share your internet connection from your Ethernet then select (to devices using WIFI)

enter image description here