MacOS – Problem moving application from DMG file


I downloaded vlc-2.2.1.dmg to my computer and it opens ok. When I try to copy the app to the Application folder I get this error message. enter image description here

When I try to open VLC from the DMG file it runs fine. I just can't move it to the application folder. Any ideas why? I am running OSX 10.6. I thought i was because I didn't have trust applications from the internet turned on but that is not an option in 10.6
enter image description here

Best Answer

After you download the VLC.dmg, you double click on it to create a installer and it opens new window that looks like this.


Now just "drag" the icon to the Application folder.

Alternatively, copy the to the desktop and then move it to the Applications folder.

There are some reports regarding the Finder Error -36.

Try the "dot clean" as described here

and explained here: