MacOS – print user’s crontab


How can I print out my crontab? Under Linux this can be done using crontab -l, however, running crontab -l under Mac OS X produces no output whatsoever and exits cleanly.

Here's my crontab:

0 9,10,11,12 * * 1-6 /Users/alexej.magura/scripts/
0 9,10,11,12 1,28 1,3,5,7,9,11 * /Users/alexej.magura/scripts/
0 9,10,11,12 1,2,*0,*1 * * /Users/alexej.magura/scripts/
0 *1,*3,*5,*7,*9 * * * /Users/alexej.magura/scripts/

Best Answer

The command for Mac OS X and Linux are the same: crontab -l
This seems to indicate that the crontab is empty. Maybe edit the crontab with crontab -e and afterwards print out the crontab. Your changes should now be printed to console.