MacOS – PostgreSQL in OS X Lion


There's be mention made of the fact that OS X Lion Server ships with PostgreSQL as it's standard database rather than MySQL.

Can anyone confirm:

  1. It this specific to server or does OS X Lion "client" ship with it too?

    I can see indications in the file system on my Mac that it might be
    included but don't know whether they're the result of a previous
    aborted Postgres install I did on my machine pre-Lion or just some
    form of standardisation of directory structures that stops short of
    an actual install.

  2. Is this intended for use as an end user database or is it just supporting functionality within the OS?

Best Answer

On OS X Lion "client", here's what you can find:

martin$ find /usr/ -name postgre*

So no binary or similar on a default install (yet there are c/c++ headers) and rails stuff. (note I have Xcode 4.1 installed, and this is where all these Header files may have come from).

2) OS X doesn't use a relational database for anything as far as I know. If it's there is to support development or, well, the service itself.