PHP Not Running from Command Line on macOS – How to Fix


When trying to run a PHP script from inside Terminal, the script is just echoed to stdout. This happens if the script is executed directly (first line #!/usr/bin/php) called as an argument (/usr/bin/php ./test.php), or if the php command(s) is input interactively.

What could be the problem?

Computer is El Capitan Server, 10.11.6; and, no extra MAMP/Apache/PHP has been installed. On a non-server El Capitan machine, things work as expected; so, I'm stumped…

Adding output of ls command:

sh-3.2# ls -lFa /usr/bin/php
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  10577264 Jul  9 11:51 /usr/bin/php*

Adding more output:

sh-3.2# ls -lFa /var/root/test.php
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  17 Nov 21 16:48 /var/root/test.php*
sh-3.2# cat /var/root/test.php
sh-3.2# /usr/bin/php /var/root/test.php
sh-3.2# od -c /var/root/test.php
0000000    <   ?  \n   p   h   p   i   n   f   o   (   )   ;  \n   ?   >
0000020   \n                                                            
sh-3.2# od -x /var/root/test.php
0000000      3f3c    700a    7068    6e69    6f66    2928    0a3b    3e3f
0000020      000a                                                        

Best Answer

Use the long tag like


in test.php instead of your somehow malformed test.php and it should work.