MacOS – OSX crashes and reboots several hours after going to “sleep” (lid closed)

macbook promacossleep-wake

I have a MacBook Pro as my work laptop. When I go home, I close the lid and take the laptop with me. Very often, the next time I open my laptop I find that the OS restarted "because of a problem". This reboot may happen several hours after the lid is closed, as the sound from my laptop back indicates.

What is the best way to understand / debug why this is happening? Can I get some useful information from log files?

The laptop is MacBookPro11,3, with Intel Core i7 processor, and 16 GB of RAM. The programs that are usually running before crash are iTerm, Finder, Microsoft Outlook, and Chrome. I also run a Vagrant VM with a bunch of processes in it for work. My coworkers run exactly the same codebase and none of them is having the same problem.

Best Answer

In my case the issue was related exactly to VMWare. Before putting my laptop to sleep I suspend the VM and the issue doesn't happen. That's a "pause" button in the VMWare UI.

enter image description here


Looks like VMWare sleep functionality is buggy. I once got my entire VM getting to the point of no return. I simply use vagrant suspend these days before putting my laptop to sleep. No need to bring up VMWare UI.