MacOS – OSX able to throttle down CPU on heavy usage


I have a company macbook with a 4 core 2,8Ghz i7 (to much power for a "laptop" if you ask me, whatever). Sadly the cooler seems not to be able to handle 100% cpu usage. Sometimes filevault stresses the CPU with the process "discimages helper". Every time this happens I hear the cooler goes crazy … a few seconds later programs randomly crashes and shortly after the complete macbook freezes.

Any actions I can do to avoid too much heat on the CPU? Maybe limit discimageshelper to one core or software the holds back processes that consume to much CPU time?

Best Answer

You may want to run Software Update. It could be that you're missing a SMC update, which addresses freezing at (continuous) high CPU loads:

MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.5

Or this EFI update:

Macbook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.3