MacOS – OS X Mountain Lion shortcut menu

dockmacosmenu bar

I just switched from a PC (Ubuntu 12.10) to a Macbook Pro (Mountain Lion). I'd like to know if there's a way to have a similar shortcut menu on the dock as I had on Ubuntu's sidebar? Basically I made a clickable menu to run a bunch of expect scripts so I wouldn't have to do it through the terminal.
Here's how it looks in ubuntu:

ubuntu desktop script

I used a .desktop config file to add each menu item and then dragged it onto the sidebar. So my question is – what are the ways to have something like this in OS X?

Best Answer

FastScripts is a menu bar application for running scripts:

Automator services aren't really usable in 10.8 or 10.7, but see this question for other ways to assign shortcuts to scripts.