MacOS eBook – Locating Books in OS X Kindle App


I was expecting to find .epub or .prc files on my hard-disk, but didn't. Does anyone know: Where are the ebooks that the official Kindle App downloads located?

Best Answer

The Kindle app stores AZW files, but only downloads them for Amazon-purchased content that you have opened in the Kindle app on that computer.

The AZW files are saved in ~/Documents/My Kindle Content.
Their names are random-looking (like B0043M4ZH0_EBOK), so it takes a little work to figure out which file corresponds to which book. Here's how you do that:

Open the book of interest on (make sure you're looking at the Kindle edition). It's URL will be something like this:, but all you're interested in is the code after /dp/. In this case, it's B0043M4ZH0.

So, you know that the AZW file with the name B0043M4ZH0_EBOK is The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.