MacOS – OS X Finder customize default folder display


There are several ways to display folders in the OS X finder:

  • Folders as icons you can arrange
  • List of items you can expand (collapsable triangles)
  • Graphical "flip" display
  • A column mode where you can arrow left and right

The default view is "Folders as icons you can arrange". I however really, really like the "column mode where you can arrow left and right". Is there a way to set the default finder display kind?

Best Answer

You can do it on a per folder basis. From the folders you care about - I would imagine this is just your users and root harddrive on your desktop. That'll cover most cases.

Open them, and hit either command-J, or View -> Show View Options.

If you're in Column mode, you'll see a check box to then alway show the folder in that mode.

If you always start finder from a couple of pre-defined places, eg. your desktop double-clicking your drive, this ought to cover your most frequent usage.