MacOS – Open folder in dock by simply clicking


my dock

Hi. In my workspace I have these frequently used folders that I keep in my dock, but I find it annoying that I have to right click and click "open" every time i want to open them. Is there some way I can click the folders and it just opens?

I know that making an alias does the trick but I also like to drag files right into the folder on the dock and an alias doesnt let you do that.

Or does someone else have some creative idea to do both. Thanks. Im working on El-capitan.

Best Answer

You can press the command ⌘ key and click the target Folder in the Dock, this will open the folder in a new Finder window.

If the command ⌘ key and click doesn't open directly to the target Folder, you can also try pressing option+command ⌘ keys and click the target Folder in the Dock, this should open directly to the folder in a new Finder window.

You can also instead of right-click, just click the target Folder and select Open in Finder.