MacOS – Open a note or display dialog with application


I work with a colleague editing videos and I wish to trigger a dialog or a note document whenever he opens Final Cut, so I can leave messages for him to do the job. The machine has to stay always on, so I can't use any startup method.

It's the same workstation same user account, we share the room in different shifts.

El Capitan 10.11.6 – FinalCut Pro 7 — He enters after 18pm

Any advice on how to display a message when opening an application?

Best Answer

Here is a Apple script (in your Utility folder Script Editor) that will open Notes if the Final Cut is opened.

I don't have Final Cut so I used Skype to test. Just copy and paste following, then save.

repeat until application "Final Cut Pro" is running
    delay 1
end repeat

delay 5
if application "Final Cut Pro" is running then activate application "Notes"

The Delay 5 (seconds) is to have Notes as Top window after Final Cut starts. You can increase that number. This script will run continuously until Final Cut is started, but we could go fancy and have it start at 18:00.

Prerequisite is you Quit the Final cut before you leave.

As always you can be very elaborate leaving a message and instructions in Note.

Also set Notes in Preference to sort by date created so to have the latest note on the top.