MacOS – ny way to change MAC-address of built-in Bluetooth adapter


I should change MAC-address of a built-in Bluetooth adapter. Is there any way to do it in Yosemite (10.10.4)?

Please note – the question is about Bluetooth, not about Wi-Fi. ifconfig doesn't see Bluetooth device.

I've already tried to update my bluetooth adapter address in /Library/Preferences/ (Root\PANInterfaces\Item 0):

# turn bluetooth off
cp /Library/Preferences/ ~/
cp /Library/Preferences/ ~/
# edit ~/ 
sudo cp ~/ /Library/Preferences/
cd /Library/Preferences
sudo chown root:wheel
defaults read /Library/Preferences/
# turn bluetooth on

But it doesn't help.

Best Answer

Look into SpoofMAC on GitHub which allows you to change ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth addresses and interfaces. There's all the instructions to get you started, on that page.