MacOS – ny keyboard shortcut for entering El Capitan’s split view


El Capitan’s new split view is an interesting feature. At last, OS X users have a feature at their disposal that has long been available on various Linuxes or on Windows. However, I have not yet found any way to enter it with the keyboard alone, without any mouse or trackpad interaction.

Yes, I am a keyboard junky and I think the ⊞ Win + or keyboard shortcuts that are available on Windows or on many Linuxes are very handy. I would appreciate anything similar – a setting, a menu entry, or even an extra app or script.

The BetterTouchTool allows for setting keyboad shortcuts for Maximize Window Left and Maximize Window Right. However, that is not quite the same, since it does not make use of the proper split view.

So, is there a way to enter the split view with a keyboard shortcut?

Best Answer

BetterTouchTool (starting with version 1.22, currently available as alpha version) let's you assign gestures or keyboard shortcuts to trigger the native split screen.