MacOS – Native macOS window management


I'm wondering if we'll ever see native window management in macOS just like Windows 10 offers it. What I mean by that is the Windows key + Arrow keys functionality for moving windows around, halfing windows on screen, moving across monitors, minimizing, maximizing, just with those two keys.

I enjoy using macOS on my MacBook on 1 screen with space swiping, but once I use multiple monitors it becomes really cumbersome to use. Tools like BetterTouchTool help but don't offer the ease the native Windows 10 window management offers.

Is there something inherently different with macOS that we can't get Windows 10-like window management?

Best Answer

There is nothing specific in macOS which prevents control of windows through the keyboard, it's just not provided out of the box.

Keyboard Maestro for instance provides several actions which allow to control windows via the keyboard (or other triggers):

enter image description here

I use this to put windows to the left (or right) half of the screen by pressing CtrlCmdLeft:

enter image description here