MacOS – n application for creating an text inventory of media files and/or applications


For insurance purposes, I would like to keep a list of the following:

  • All of the movie files on my Mac
  • All of the music files on my Mac
  • All of the applications on my Mac

The lists needs to be updated regularly, and stored in the cloud (not iCloud). Being able to save the list files to a dropbox folder would be just fine. It should also be able to index network locations.

These files are from multiple sources, so I can not rely on the 'Purchased' functionality on iTunes (for example).

Is anyone aware of an application that can do this? I could not find much on Google.

Best Answer

I would say the best way to do this would be some sort of script that searches your drive on a scheduled basis, and dumps the results into a text file for you.

Something like:

sudo find / -name "*.avi" -o -name "*.mp4" -o -name "*.m4v" -o -name "*.mp3" > ~/Dropbox/results.txt

The -o switch is the find equivalent of logical OR, so the above is searching the whole of your computer for any files (or directories) that have the extensions .avi, .mp4, .m4v, or .mp3