MacOS – Mystery application


Okay, so I was watching a WWDC video a while ago, and they were doing a demonstration on how to implement some code into your app…

And as they were demonstrating the code, the guy who was doing the demo was pulling blocks of code from a small window in the bottom right corner of the screen.

I thought that this would be a useful application to have (as I am an apple developer myself) and I thought it would save me a lot of time…

The only problem is I have no idea what this application is called and so do not have any information about it…

All I know is that the WWDC video is called "Optimize your earning power with iAd" and that the application in question is shown at 37:50 in the aforementioned video.

If someone could point me in the right direction as to where I should start my search I would be most thankful…

Best Answer

The little text snippet application they are using is called DemoMonkey. It's actually a sample code project on from 2010.