MacOS – My Mac Mini HD been wiped out

hard drivemacos

Here is the scenario: I was bouncing music and got a warning Macintosh HD is almost full! By the time I empty the trash my my froze.
So I restart it and that infinite white progress bar below the gorgeous Apple never end progressing.

I reboot in single user and tried a fsck check but in seem to only check for OS X base system which appear OK.

Tried the verbose and got stuck within a pause.

Then tried to reach for my users in terminal within recovery booting and there was nothing there, no users, no hidden files, nothing but a .forward and a Library. I didn't cried !

I'm ok with the reality of a Hardware failure.
I'm not so ok with the fact of loosing music that I made that came out of the blue from spontaneous inspiration. So for this last part, I will do everything necessary to get to those files.

So I started my OLD MB Pro (2007) and FW target boot from it.
Here's what disk Utility have to tell about it;

Disk utility lecture of my Mac-mini from my MBP

Any cue is more then welcome

Best Answer

Use Internet Recovery on your Mac Mini and try repairing Macintosh HD with Disk Utility.
If that fails to fix the boot issue, connect your Mac Mini in target disk mode to a mac running OS X 10.8 or later and see if you can at least copy the files off your Fusion Drive.
In the future, set up a Time Machine.