MacOS – Move Documents folder to different drive

filesystemfoldershard drivemac promacos

I would like to move the Documents folder to a different drive. I am running OS X 10.9.4. I am trying to preserve space on my OS SSD.

Best Answer

There are many web pages that will walk you through this process, here is a good one:

Basically you create a symbolic link to a folder on an external drive.

Here is information on how to use the console to create a symbolic link:

And here is my take on it:

  1. Attach external drive
  2. Copy your Documents folder from your Mac to the external drive
  3. Rename the Documents folder on the Mac to Documents-old
  4. Open Terminal
  5. Type in cd /Users/Your User ID/
  6. Then ln -s /Volumes/External Drive Name/Documents Documents
  7. Test it out for a while to verify that it works, when you are happy with it you can delete the Documents-old folder from the Mac