MacOS – Mouse click event being fired on right mouse-down AND right mouse-up

clickcontextual menumacosmousetrackpad

I've run into an interesting issue while trying to migrate to MacOS.

Whenever I go to right-click something, a click event will be fired on the initial mouse-down event, and then a click event will be fired on the mouse-up event.

As an example, you can right click (hold the click down) to bring up a context menu, and then release the click while hovering over a menu item, and the menu item will be clicked.

Is there a way to force the OS to wait for a mouse-up event before it fires another click event?

It's frustrating coming from Linux and Windows environments that wait until a mouse-down AND mouse-up complete before firing a click.

Best Answer

It's timing-dependant.

If you click & hold, then mouse-up will activate the currently-selected menu choice, or move outside the menu & release to dismiss.

If you click & immediately let go, it will then stay open waiting for a new click, either on your menu choice, or outside the menu to dismiss.