Filesystem – Mounting Folder as a Volume in MacOS


Is it possible to (auto) 'mount' folders as Volumes?
I have a large DAS Volume, 'Data', that contains all my data.
To make paths shorter and more future proof, I'd like to have Volumes like


Instead of using


etc, which is where the data actually resides.

Any ideas on how to do that? It's not a big problem. Just curious.

Best Answer

Let's assume you are mounting/attaching your Data drive as usual which will result in paths like /Volumes/Data/ContentA and /Volumes/Data/ContentB. You can now do either of:

  • create symbolic links via Terminal running the following commands in a Terminal window:

    ln -s /Volumes/Data/ContentA ~/ContentA
    ln -s /Volumes/Data/ContentB ~/ContentB
  • create aliases via Finder by opening /Volumes/Data in Finder, selecting ContentA, pressing Cmd-L to create an alias and moving this alias to your Home folder. The alias file can afterwards be renamed as you see fit.

With both options the content of the Data drive will be accessible via your Home folder.