Mac Pro – Mid 2010 Mac Pro with No Video Card; Will It Run with New HDDs?

mac promacos

I have a Mid 2010 Mac Pro that was once my main computer; however, when the graphics card failed and I couldn't find a replacement that the Mac would take I had to replace the computer. I still have the Mac and am considering re-purposing it as a file server. If I install new HDDs (I salvaged the old HDDs for the replacement computer), would the Mac run even without a video card? Thanks!

CLARIFICATION: Since I would be using new HDDs, OS X would not yet be installed on those HDDs.

Best Answer

I have 2 mid 2010 MacPros and have been able to run both without a GPU. If you can load OSX with screensharing turned on onto a drive using another Mac in Target Disk mode you should be able to plug that drive in and boot it up.

I have this running as a media and file server and it works great. Also cuts back on the heat as I loaded my pro up with 6 HDDs (4 in the trays and 2 using the OWC 3.5 adaptor in the CD Drive space). Set up an SSD via a PCIe adaptor for OSx. It works perfectly.