MacOS – MAME emulator for Mac


Everybody knows MAME.
I wonder where can I find an updated Mac version (if possible with a GUI) of Mame.

I've found SDL Mame that looks promising (no GUI however), but I'm not able to download it from the official site.

Do you have any alternative or a mirror?

Best Answer


enter image description here

Hands down the most beautiful, elegant and functional emulator to ever grace OS X. The initial public release was loosed on December 25, 2013.

If you'd like a version that has MAME support (among other consoles not included in vanilla download), click the arrow and choose the experimental version.

enter image description here

Then simply install the MAME core, drag your ROMs to the Arcade window, and OpenEmu will do the rest.

enter image description here

Lastly, for discussions on the topic, see this thread on github.