MacOS – Make application “active” while on another desktop

desktopmacosmenu barsafari

Is there a way I can change the current menubar to an active application while on another desktop ?

Example :

  • Safari running on desktop 1
  • While on desktop 2, activate safari so that the menubar changes from "Finder" to "Safari" WITHOUT switching back to desktop 1

Is there an automator code that can help achieve this too ?

Best Answer

In System Preferences select > Mission Control, then un-check "When switching to an application, switch to a space with the open windows for the application".

Use + tab to the switch to an application on another desktop.

You'll notice the menu bar will show up for that application on the current desktop.

Mission Control Preferences

The default key combination to switch between desktops is Control + or .

You can customize the behavior in which desktops are activated via System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcut Preferences