MacOS Mail app rules to delete are archiving instead

I have several rules in macOS Mail app version 12.4 set to detect certain senders and/or subjects, with the action to delete the matching emails.

Here's an example rule:
Example rule

However, I see they're instead archived (moved to "All Mail", still marked as unread).

Here're my Mailbox Behavior prefs:

Here're my Gmail IMAP settings:
gmail imap settings

I've no filters in my Gmail webapp. Anyone else experience this?

Best Answer

Check settings in Gmail itself. In "Forwarding and POP/IMAP", what's the setting under "When I mark a message in IMAP as deleted:"? And if that is set to "Auto-Expunge off" - what is the setting for "When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder:"?

I have the first option set to the default (Auto-Expunge on), which prevents you from modifying the second option. But deleting an email in my mail client immediately sends it to the Trash folder, not the Archives folder.