MacOS – Macports force-activate all ports

command linemacosmacportsopen source

When trying to install SciTE

sudo port install scite

port stops at

Error: org.macports.activate for port gettext returned: Image error: /opt/local/bin/autopoint already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port gettext. Use 'port -f activate gettext' to force the activation.

but if I run sudo port -f activate gettext and re-try installing scite, I end up with the same error message, this time with /opt/local/lib/libffi.6.dylib and libffi and so on and so on…

How can I tell Macports to force activate all ports that stand in it's way from completing installing SciTE, without having to manually re-run the installation of the package I actually want and without having to copy-paste each activation command?

Best Answer

I was able to install the desired port by automating the activation process. The app fails to run due to some library version issues and I seem to be unable to fix those but that's a story for another answer or another question.

  1. Create a script that continuously tries to install the port and automatically forcefully activates the discovered port that is blocking it. Copy paste the following into a file and call it

    if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
      then echo "Please run as root"
    while [ 1 ]
        echo trying to install "$target"
        if [[ $(port installed "$target" | grep "$target") ]]; then echo "$target" present; break; fi
        line=`port install "$target" 2>&1 > /dev/tty | grep "port -f activate"`
        package=$(echo $line | sed -e "s/^.*port -f activate //" -e "s/. .*//")
        if [ "$package" = "$oldpackage" ]; then echo double \""$package"\"; break; fi
        echo activating "$package"
        port -f activate "$package"
  2. Make the file executable via chmod +x

  3. Run it as root sudo ./ scite and wait