MacOS – Macbook Pro.[Mid-2012] Sound isn’t working


Suddenly, My MBP sound isn't working. I have tried couple of way to resolve the problem but nothing is working. Here is some of the screenshot:


sound 2

No, input or output sound. I would like to know

1) How can I resolve this?
2) Can you suggest any software, that can route my sound in iPad/iPhone.


After running this command :

kextstat > ~/Desktop/kexts.txt

I got only this But, didn't found

Update – 2:

As Buscar suggested to check for AudioAUUC.kext file in my /System/Library/Extensions. Yes, I found AudioAUUC.kext file in that folder. As you can see in the image No indicates, it's not loading.

enter image description here


New Log:

Update – 3:

As suggested to Resetting the PRAM didn't worked. I was able to update SMC and not EFI Firmware. It's showing an error:Software is not supported on my system.
enter image description here

However, I also tried to load and unload Apple High Definition Audio (HDA)AppleHDA.kext. But, while loading this error are showing

1/24/15 8:29:57.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 1280
1/24/15 8:29:57.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 1580
1/24/15 8:29:57.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 1073
1/24/15 8:29:57.000 PM kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 1073

Update – 4:

enter image description here

As you can see is missing.

update – 5:

I tried all the things, you said to do. But, still I can't hear any sound. I tried ioreg -i. But, i couldn't find anything called AudioAUUCDriver. You can check here

Update – 6:

Guys, I can hear sound through a application called PocketAudio. My microphone and speaker both are working!! I just want to know, is there any problem in my hardware or in OS? If I buy a wireless headphone, should it work?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Something killed your coreaudio drivers, or the sound hardware/motherboard.

I would suggest to do following order of investigation (Fixes)

  1. Open Activity monitor and look for following: (use sort by "Audio")


If found use terminal to reset the coreaudiod

sudo killall coreaudiod
  1. Copy/paste following in Terminal to find out if the audio drivers are loaded

    kextstat > ~/Desktop/kexts.txt

    That will output a text file to your desktop. Use any text editor to search for "Audio"

    You should have the

As reported the result is: AudioAUUC.kext is not been loaded?

  1. Lets try to load it manually using Terminal sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AudioAUUC.kext/


Based on new information I would suggest following (still trying to find out why your Audio is not loading in the profile.

  • Resetting the PRAM. Hold Down Cmd-Opt-P-R

Keep Holding until you have hear the "startup sound twice". If you do not hear the system sound then, you are on mute or your sound card is broken.

To un-mute use sudo nvram -d SystemAudioVolume

Test for start up sound!

  • If not run ioreg -i and look for the AudioAUUCDriver <class AudioAUUCDriver, id 0x1000003af, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 5> (use Edit - Find AudioAUUCDriver)