MacOS – Macbook Pro Always print in grey scale


Whenever I print something from my MacBook, the printout is always in color.

On my Windows machine, I could go to my printer preferences and set it to always print in grayscale. Then, no matter what application is printing, they always printed in black & white.

I have searched and I have not found a setting on my Mac which allows me to say "color prints are expensive so dont use color when printing". In other words, "always use grayscale or black and white" when printing. Where can I change my printing preferences to always use grayscale?

Best Answer

Current answer is wrong because Apple does not allow you to override the default. Still the answer is good for saving another preset.

Once you saved and selected that preset jus tbe sure that you keep Option/Alt key while pressint the print button, this will make MacOS remember your preset for the next usage --- mainly switcing the default to your current profile.