MacOS – MacBook MiniDisplay to HDMI does not work


I have:

  • a MacBook Pro (6,2) Mid 2010
  • OSX 10.8.3
  • a Mini DisplayPort (I think) to HDMI Adapter
  • an HDTV

When I plug the whole thing together, my laptop flashes blue for a second, the TV detects that I've plugged an HDMI input, but then says "No Signal".

I've tried with 2 different TVs.

I'm trying to find out who's fault it is. The OS, the adapter, or the cable?
I don't have another cable or adapter around. I'm looking for ideas…

Best Answer

Most likely the adapter. I have had cheap ($10) ones go out.

One solution is to buy the Apple brand ($30 ?). I chose instead to buy two $5 replacements. So far no problem, and the benefit of having extra ones is I can keep one at work, keep one at home without having to (remember to) unplug it, and also have one I carry with me incase I need to project somewhere.