macOS MacBook Pro Crash – How to Diagnose and Fix

audiocrashmacbook promacos

I was running Football Manager 2020 with Spotify playing in the background and Firefox was running as well.

Mac suddenly crashed (cursor doesn't move) and audio starts looping – went on for a good 5-10 seconds? Then it shuts down by itself, and the fan ramped up to full speed for a second after it shut down.

Chain of events: cursor/visual stuck – audio loop – display turns to black – fan full speed – fan stops – Mac restarts.

Upon restart, Firefox has logged me out of all my accounts, but not Spotify or Steam client. Was Firefox the reason? I copied the crash report too if anyone could have a look and translate what it all means (can I post on here?) – I hope it's not overheating? I played Football Manager 2020 for some time now on my Mac and this was the first time it crashed, and usually I see the temperature runs on average 55-70c while on it.


Macbook Pro 2020 13" i5

Best Answer

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801742595f): "compressed PTE 0xfffffe818487a938 0xc010000000000000 has extra bits 0x8000000000000000

Your system was under memory pressure and the virtual memory subsystem started compressing memory. At some point, one of the compressed page table entries (PTEs) became corrupted. The kernel attempted to repair this corruption but was unable and so it rightly induced a panic rather than allowing the OS to continue running in an inconsistent state.

Memory corruption can happen for a great deal of reasons, including software bugs, hardware bugs, and even cosmic rays occasionally knocking out enough electrons in your DRAM to flip a bit. In order to further debug corruption, we would need to have a core dump from the time of failure. Short of that, there’s no way to begin to discern between the above three possibilities.

What this means for you is: Don’t worry about it too much if this is a one-off event. If, however, you begin to see panics and hangs more regularly (especially if you try repeating the same workload) then that is good data to collect.

(All that being said: Make sure that you always maintain an ongoing backup of your data. While rare, memory corruption can indicate an incipient hardware failure that may render your machine unusable. Computers are never to be fully trusted.)