MacOS – Macbook Air – Deleting large files but not getting back the space


I'm running 10.6.8 on my Macbook Air. I have been archiving lots of large files to an external drive, but after doing so, my computer doesn't recognize that the files/data are gone. Even after a restart.

I've tried to use iBoost-up to clean things up, and restarted again but my computer acts like I haven't cleared up any space when in fact I have removed close to a dozen gigabytes. I never used Time Machine, the files are archived off my drive. I want the space I freed up to display, but it doesn't!

Does anyone know why?

Best Answer

Since the local snapshots for Time Machine were introduced in Lion, that isn't the cause (which is the cause of this for I'd say 3/4 of the Lion or later people with this issue).

If you delete the file from unix with rm or by emptying the trash in Finder and you don't recover the space, the disk directory is likely corrupt. You should back up any critical files to another drive or USB or cloud service and then boot from the installation DVD or another 10.6 boot drive and run Disk Utility to repair the drive. Based on what happens during the repair we can add steps if needed but that should show any directory damage and potentially offer to repair it.