MacOS – Mac OSX: strange shaking (jitter) of screen


I noticed that sometimes a strange interference in rendering happened on my screen. I thought it was some minor issue with hardware. It happened 2 or 3 times a few months ago and I didn't think much of it.

Now it is happening much more frequently… Just for fun I tried to capture it with a screen recording… I thought I won't be able to do that anyway because it's in hardware.

But it turns out the interference / jitter does appear in the recording:

See here: the upper part jitters:

(better quality video:

It's probably not Chrome rendering issue because the jitter is not just in one textbox as it maybe seems by non careful observation. Logo and "How to format" section are included. I also think that it didn't always happen while in Chrome, but I'm not that sure.

Very strange?

UPDATE: actually this could still be hardware issue, of course… for example problems with graphics card. It is just that it's not the hardware problem in some circuit on the screen at the end of pipeline… if it was, then I couldn't capture it in the recording…

Best Answer

That jitter is pure software. The CSS/javascript are not executing fast enough to prevent a redraw from being noticeable.

You could try reducing the load on the CPU by quitting other apps or just run some instruments on the pages where you see jitter and either block the js that is slow or decide to edit your text elsewhere and then copy/paste it to avoid seeing the constraints being redrawn.

The detailed video was awesome and allowed me to be certain what I was seeing was software.