MacOS – Mac Mini Yosemite Install Reboots Back to Mavericks


I finally decided to upgrade my Mac Mini HTPC (Mac Mini Server mid-2011) to Yosemite. I run the installer, says it's going to install, reboots, does the spinner for a bit, reboots again and I'm back at the login screen in Mavericks. If I login, it's like I never tried to install. No errors, no messages, just … back in Mavericks.

I downloaded the installer a second time to see if the one I had was corrupted, same result. I scanned the console quickly and while there are messages there, nothing seems like a smoking gun to me.


Best Answer

Please verify if your mac-mini is eligible for Yosemite update. Also, please run disk utility and check for permission errors. If these don't solve your issue, please take backup of your mac and try a fresh install of Yosemite.