MacOS – Lotsawater screensaver Mavericks problem


Prior to updating to Mavericks I used LotsaWater screensaver. It would display my desktop while the screensaver did its thing. Now it shows a blank white screen when it kicks over to the screensaver mode.

Under System Prefs>Desktop & Screen saver, the preview window shows how it's supposed to look and if you tap on preview it works right.

Is it that the maker of this screensaver hasn't made it compatible with Mavericks? Or am I missing something?

Best Answer

Check the version you got.
v1.7 works like a charm for me under Mavericks.

v1.7 is available here:

Edit: sorry, it doesn't work exactly as I said. Actually, the water animation works, but the screenshot Lotsawater is supposed to do is a black screen instead. I assume the v1.7 is not Mavericks (full) compatible.

Edit 2: Developper fixed it!, v1.8 is now available and works like a charm :)

***Edit 3: 1.8 works like a charm on a single monitor, but the second monitor of a dual monitor setup still has a black screen shot. This wasn't the case with version 1.7 on Mountain Lion. I hope the developer has another update in the works.