MacOS – Left shift key unresponsive and stuck

keyboardmacbook promacos

Okay, so I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro (unibody design) and I have the typical problem with the keyboard. My shift key function is "stuck" so everything WILL COME UP LIKE THIS> (hence the > instead of the period). I booted into a flash drive to update to Lion and the keyboard still typed like the shift key was pressed. Well, we went to Apple to see what they could do. They said that the top case has to be replaced. The problem is, that runs a whopping $250+ and that's out of my budget right now. I have been searching around and haven't seemed to find much of a solution anywhere. I have seen that (at least on here) that the keyboard itself can be replaced without having to replace the entire top case. Nothing has been spilled onto the keyboard and it is not dirty as I have taken a few keys off and checked underneath. So if I replaced the keyboard only, would that fix the problem? Anyone have any experience with this?

Best Answer


tell application "System Events"
        key up {shift}
end tell

via osascript.