MacOS – Learn about basic OS X applications

macossnow leopardswitchingterminalUtilities

I have been a Windows user and have recently started using OS X (I have Snow Leopard on my machine).

I wanted to learn about the basic applications in OS X (e.g. Terminal) and other commonly or some important utilities used in OS X. I know a lot of important apps come bundled or pre-installed with OS X, but I am not aware of a lot of them.

Could someone please point me as to where I can learn about such apps and what are the important apps which I should know about?

Best Answer

David Pogue's book Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition is highly recommended. As you can tell from the title, it's designed to explain Snow Leopard to people who are coming from Windows. It's 650 pages.

There is a second, larger (900 pages), and more comprehensive book from David Pogue called Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual which is not aimed at Windows users and goes into greater depth about how to use Snow Leopard's features.