MacOS – ksfetch process on Mac


Sometimes I see a ksfetch process on my Mac. After a little googling I found out that it is Google software updater. However, there is no detailed answer i.e. what is ksfetch process used for? Is it really required? Can I get rid of it?
Sometimes it uses my internet bandwidth so it frustrates me hence the query. Thanks.

Best Answer

Keystone Fetch / ksfetch

The ksfetch process on OS X is part of Google Chrome's update mechanism. The ks prefix is an abbreviation of Keystone. The process appears to be responsible for fetching updates to Google's products. It is this role that uses your bandwidth.

Using slick's answer you can disable the corresponding process that uses ksfetch.

Alternatively, it appears possible to adjust the frequency of update checks:

Entering the following code into your terminal will make it check once a week rather than every few hours:

defaults write checkInterval 604800

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